Thanks to the NHS manager who 'set me straight'about one or two things, you did sort of miss the point which was that there are far too many people on the public payroll.I would suggest that rose-tinted specs are a little better than blinkers.
I have experience of NHS officialdom and their 'meetings about meetings'There was a program on the goggle-box about 6 months ago, i think it was called Geoffrey Robinson and the NHS,it wasn't an eye opener to some of us, it was so true.
For all its essential management infrastructure there are still daily reminders of filthy hospitals imparting MRSA and C-Diff it cannot all be media hype.

As with all non-commercial undertakings there are too many chiefs and not enough braves.

When you gave in to pressure to create Graduate nurses you lost a number of truly vocational nurses who,though they maybe could'nt assimilate the intriacies of modern medicine, weren't 'too posh to wash'.To them patients were people not 'clients'.

When,, you put cleaning out to the lowest tender you got what you have now, hospitals with infection problems.