Saturday, 1st, March, and a beautiful sunny morning. So, off I went to open up my greenhouse,in order to initiate a change of air. And, as is usual most days, I also checked the pool. Only to be met with a scene , which wouldn't have been out of place, on David Attenborough's Life In Cold Blood series.

The water was full of frogs and frogspawn. Croaking all over the place, and lots of 'getting up close and personal.' It crossed my mind, that the female frogs must have waited for February 29th,in order to pop the question, it being the day before, they started spawning. So, it looks as if there will be the patter of tiny frog's feet again , later in the year.

Now here's one for Global Warming. Since mid-January, self-set Tomato seedlings have been growing away happily, in my unheated greenhouse. They appear to be strong and healthy, so I will leave them undisturbed to grow on.

It should prove interesting, to see which variety they develop into. Because last year, I grew three different types of tomato. And I guess, they can cross-pollinate. Having said this, I am no expert, and tend to follow my own gardening rules.
As long as the plants produce reasonable tasting fruits, I certainly wont be complaining. After all, there is a nice sense of satisfaction from growing your own. Even more so, when you are munching on freshly picked, home grown produce.