Yes, it’s World Book Day on Thursday, and if you have school age children in your care, you’ll know only too well the sense of doom that accompanies those words.

On Thursday I have to send three children to school dressed as a science fiction character. No, I couldn’t think of any either, and don’t say Doctor Who, as the pedant in me would like to point out that, as far as she knows, Doctor Who wasn’t based on a book.

The mother in me would like to point out to the pedant that there are now Doctor Who books available and if it gets a child to read then it doesn’t matter which came first, and if you can get away with blue face paint and calling yourself a Tardis then it’s even better.

The secret is never to ask them what they want to go as. You should have couple of easy ones up your sleeve to ‘suggest’ because if you have to rustle up two Princess Leias and a Cat from Red Dwarf, then I have no sympathy for you.

What have I had to rustle up? Two Princess Leias and a Cat from Red Dwarf.
I KNOW but the first choices were Darth Vader and Pinky Purple Bleeper People (don't ask!).

Last year’s was easy - a Willy Wonka and a Heidi only called for a top hat and plaits (not on the same child).

This year I have been into every Charity shop I could find hoping for inspiration, but although I got a very nice coat, a cake book and a very durable set of plates, a red drape coat didn’t leap out at me.

Which is why I am up past my bedtime painting a pair of wellies white, and sewing fake pockets onto an old jacket.

I shouldn’t complain, these are the things they will remember me for I’m told.
So I’d better get on with it if I want a decent retirement home with a walk-in bath and a Thora Hird endorsed stairlift.