I WAS pleased to attend the AGM of the Wyre Forest Talking Newspaper last weekend and to hear how well their premises suit them in St Barnabas Community Hall.

They must be granted a long term lease so they can have certainty of tenure after their recent long and frustrating search for premises.

They have more volunteer readers and more regular listeners although they could still take on more of both. Information is available from the secretary Barbara Smith on 01562 751980, ibsmith9@talktalk.net It is a really valuable service to keep those with impaired vision in touch with local affairs and thanks are due to Royal Mail for the efficient delivery service of the weekly tapes.

A successful charity concert, “A Night on Broadway”, was held in Kidderminster Town Hall last Saturday in aid of the Emily Jordan Foundation.

This registered charity, set up in memory of Emily after her tragic death in New Zealand, is raising money for new enlarged premises for Spokes CIC, an operation where people with learning difficulties rebuild donated bicycles for resale.

There are plans for expansion but they depend on obtaining larger premises. The concert was great fun and enjoyed by the talented young performers as much, I suspect, as by the capacity aaudience.

The Master of Ceremonies was Lord Digby Jones with his inimitable humour and the highlights to me were the drinking song from “The Student Prince” which rather dates me, and their ebullient rendering of “Master of the House” from Les Miserables.

The audience enthusiastically joined in to raise the roof with a Last Night at the Proms finale.

I am very conscious of the fact that residents of Mitton Park in Stourport have been battling for years for adoption of their roads by the council.

The reply to my latest letter about this is as follows: “The county council is still currently negotiating with the three developers, Taylor Wimpey, Persimmon Homes, and Morris Homes with regard to the technical approval process for the adoptable roads, highway sewers, and street lighting. It is hoped that this part of the process can be completed within the next few months…..”

I have asked the interim chief executive of the district council who is also the relevant officer at county to try to progress this as it has been unresolved for so long.

It has been suggested to me that some residents when they purchased their properties at Mitton Park were asked to contribute a sum towards the eventual improvement of roads and services. I have no details of this so would be grateful if any residents could send me details of such a fund/request. How much was involved? Who asked for it? To whom was it paid if it was paid? What happened to it?

On a concluding sporting note Kidderminster Victoria Cricket Club finished their season lower in the Birmingham League Premier Division than early season games suggested but their promising young players, particularly batsmen, point to better things next year.

Bewdley CC improved their season with a late flourish which may have gained them promotion to the first division in Worcestershire Crusader League. Well done Bewdley.

Dr Taylor can be contacted by writing to him at 137 Franche Road, Kidderminster DY11 5AP. Telephone 01562 753333.