IN reply to the letter of October 4 from Caroline Catmur, of Chester Road South, can we ask that, if double yellow lines are considered appropriate for the upper end of the road, that they are not continued down towards the bottom end where the road is wider?

Not every house has sufficient parking space on their driveway, especially if they have visitors, and the ability to park on the verge, whilst not blocking the road, cycleway or pathway is essential. In this area the road is quite wide enough for traffic to pass comfortably.

Parking on Kidderminster Harriers' match days is only occasional and certainly does not worry us. Surely cones are still the obvious answer for people at the top end of the road where it narrows.

Yellow lines are such a drastic and inconvenient step to take for an occasional and very localised problem.

On a positive note, the more cars there are, the more support the Harriers are getting and, from the town's point of view, the more recognition it is getting.

GAIL & STEPHEN BROWN Chester Road South Kidderminster