Habberley WI is changing to a new venue, a new time and a new day for its meetings.

As from September, the group will meet on Wednesdays, at 1.45pm, in the scout hut off the drive.

The first meeting will be September 11.

It is hoped this will encourage new members to join and the existing members will enjoy meeting in the day time.

Janet Inge entertained members with beautiful flower arrangements at the latest meeting and several members went happily home with arrangements and cakes.

On August 8, the WI will be heading to Weston, departing by coach from St John’s Church Hall at 9am and returning at approximately 6.30pm. Cars will be parked at the scout hut. If, for any reason you cannot go, please phone Sue or Pam.

The autumn programme will be very interesting. It includes a walk around Bewdley to find the oldest tree, finding out about the McDonald sisters and an afternoon tea.

Visitors and new members will be welcome at the September meeting.