HABBERLEY WI: President, Greta Mitchell, warmly welcomed members and visitors, County Federation Chairman Marjorie Whiting and past presidents, to our 50th Anniversary celebratory lunch at The Plough Inn at Far Forest.

In her speech, Marjorie informed us that the first meeting of Habberley WI was held on Thursday, March 3 1966 and after three meetings had a membership of 83. Originally an evening institute, with declining numbers, meetings transferred to Wednesday afternoons. Since then membership has increased and it is again a thriving WI. She also mentioned roles being reversed when as a new and rather nervous president herself, she had welcomed Greta when she was County Federation Chairman. A copy of the 50th Anniversary certificate, which will be presented at the Annual Council Meeting in October, was shown to members.

Archive material from the last fifty years was on display and included photographs, programmes and the first record book. The Celebration birthday cake is to be cut at the April meeting.

Members were asked to sign up for a summer outing to Chatsworth House on August 12. The next meeting will be on April 13 at 1.45pm at the Scout Hut in Truro Drive. Alan Wells will tell us how to be a beekeeper without keeping bees . The competition is a Jam/Honey pot.