THE Wyre Forest branch of the Multiple Sclerosis (MS) Society celebrated its 60th anniversary by raising more than £600.

The society held a cake break day at Areley Kings Village Hall which raised £642.61 to support and fund research into MS.

The event was opened by Peter Tomlinson, creator of children’s TV programme Tiswas and compere for Wyre Forest’s Music for You concerts.

A raffle, sweep stake, tombola and guess the number of sweets in the jar games were held as well as cakes being sold to raise funds.

The Friends of Areley Kings Village Hall helped to man the kitchen with £275.35 of the funds raised coming from tea, coffee and cake sales.

Cakes were donated by Tony’s Bakery, Greggs, Isabelles, Cupcakes Plus, Sams Novelty Cakes and committee members.

There were also 12 stall holders selling kitchen ware, candles, handmade cards and jewellery.