The February meeting was held with a record attendance of 61 members and three visitors.

At the meeting Rob and Diane Cole entertained the club with amusing slides based on the errors and abusages associated with gardening and gardening products.

Bookings will be taken in the very near future for our two evening visits, the first one on June 6 to The Barton at Martley and the second one on June 24 to Hill Close Gardens at Warwick.

No coach will be arranged for these visits, due to their close proximity to Clent, own transport is required, or book your seat in a friend car.

The next meeting will be on March 28 in Clent Parish Hall, at 7.30 for 7.45 when the speaker will be Kim Hurst with a talk on The True Cottage Garden.

For further details going to clentgardeningclub. or by contacting our chairman Pat Orme on 01384 394451.